cacao ceremony

Cacao has been revered for thousands of years by ancient cultures, particularly the Mayans. This sacred plant medicine is far more than just chocolate; it is a powerful heart opener and spiritual ally. The active compound in cacao, theobromine, literally translates to ‘Food of the Gods’ in Latin, reflecting its divine nature.

ceremonial cacao is a potent, unrefined form of cacao that connects us deeply with the spirit of the plant. In my intentional and individually crafted ceremonies I am inviting mother cacao to open our hearts, allowing us to tap into the bliss, love and compassion we carry within. communing with mother cacao in a ceremonial way softens our emotional barriers, allowing for a deeper sense of connection to ourselves and others.

every time I commune with cacao I do so with deep reverence for the sacred nature of cacao, using only the finest ceremonial-grade cacao, sustainably and ethically sourced to honor the land and communities from which it comes.

I offer regular cacao ceremonies, as well as use cacao in conjunction with my 1:1 work. If you are interested in having a ceremony at your event, or craft a beautiful mother’s blessing cacao ceremony for you, don’t hesitate to contact me.