#18 SLOW DOWN: 5 books to cozy up with this autumn

In this episode I'm sharing 5 books that I highly recommend this season.

Light comes later in the morning now, darkness arrives more quickly in the evening. The days days rapidly grow shorter, and the air gets crisper, the notion of spending time curled up with a good book and a cup of tea sounds increasingly perfect.

I’m talking in depth about:

“ON OUR BEST BEHAVIOR - The seven deadly sins and the price women pay to be good” by Elise Loehnen

 “THE MISTS OF AVALON” by Marion Zimmer Bradley

“THE RACHEL INCIDENT” by Caroline O’Donoghue

“CACOPHONY OF BONE” by Kerri ni Dochartaigh

“THE DREAM WE CARRY” by Olaf H Hauge

“MILK & COFFEE YEARS” by me, Eva-Maria Smith


#19 SIMPLIFY: The art of cozy gift giving & gift receiving


#17 SOFTEN: Kind things you tell your child, that you should speak over yourself